Gill Teicher
Reservations and CTO Tel Aviv - Trainer

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TWA Skyliner - August 1979 - Page 8 :

Overseas'PARS Res Network Spreads

TWA TLV Reservations switched from manual to automation

"Out with the old." Making use of their outdated Lazy Susan for the last time before vacating the premises at Tel Aviv were reservations agents (front left) Etta Bandman, Jeanette Heltai, Jeanette Lahav, Susan Swirsky, Hannah-Slabbaert and Gill Teicher

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ESRA is a magazine in English that acts as an informative and entertaining companion and guide to life in Israel. It enriches the lives of English speakers, helping their absorption into Israeli society and encouraging their involvement in the community

TWA - Trans-World-Israel - Employee Profile Gill Teicher - Trainer